Engine match for Toyota 3Y/4Y
Line Description Item Specifications
1 Model for Toyota 4Y
2 Type 4 stroke, water cooling, inline, wedge shape combustion chamber
3 Cylinders 4
4 Bore 91 mm
5 Stroke 86 mm
6 Displacement 2.237 L
7 Power RPM68 kw / 4, 200-4, 600 rpm
8 Idle speed 750 ± 50 rpm
9 Max. Torque /RPM177 N. M / 2, 800-3, 200 rpm
10 Fuel supply Carburetor
11 FuelRON 90 (GB484)
12 Min. Fuel consumption ≤ 295 g / kw. H
13 OilSE 10 W-30 or SE 15 W-40 (GB11121)
14 Oil consumption ≤ 0.8 %
15 Piston average speed 13.19 m / s
16 Crankshaft rotation (facing to flywheel) anticlockwise
17 Compression ratio 8.8
18 Weight vs. Power 2.25 kg / kw
19 Average efficient pressure 793 kPa
20 Power vs. Displacement 30.4 kw / l
21 Ignition order 1-3-4 -2
22 Distributing
Intake in advance 12 °
Intake in lag 48 °
Exhaust in advance 54 °
Exhaust in lag 10 °
23 Cooling Centrifugal water pumped cycling
24 Lubricating Pressed and splashed
25 Starting Electric starter